Color Key

- Correct, Good Job!
- Incorrect Letter
- Wrong Finger Used
- Missing Letter
Making a sandwich...
Counting to infinity...
Reading the dictionary...
Filling a bucket with water...
Solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded...
Watching the clouds...
Sharpening pencils...
Listening to Nickleback...
Wondering why the chicken crossed the road...
Teaching a cat how to play fetch...
Catching a shooting star...
Hunting for treasure in the backyard...
Counting clouds in the sky...
Teaching a penguin to dance...
Looking for hidden rainbows...
Chasing butterflies through a field...
Waiting for a smile to appear...
Planting seeds of happiness...
Reading the world’s most interesting book...
Building a castle from marshmallows...
Looking for the perfect pebble...
Building a boat out of paper...
Whistling with the birds...
Listening to the song of the trees...
Finding magic in the ordinary...
Looking for hidden treasure in your backyard...
Trying to fold a fitted sheet...
Finding the perfect skipping rock...
Downloading the Halo update...
Organizing the junk drawer...
Waiting for the elevator...
Folding a paper airplane...
Finding coins in the couch...





Finger Accuracy